Inkscape Tip - Union after you’ve converted text to a path

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Inkscape Tip - Union after you’ve converted text to a path

Post by adbuch »

Here is a tip from fellow member SRdesign that may come in handy.

"Another tip, if you’re having trouble with doing a union after you’ve converted text to a path (highlight text, click “object to path”) do the following:
1.Change text to path (shift+ctrl+c) your text that is now a path, then click object: ungroup(shift+ctrl+g)
3. Click union
4. Move your text onto the path that you’re trying to join it to, highlight both, then select union again.
If you’re trying to cut the word out of a shape (difference), then repeat all of the above steps except #4. Instead move your text over the path you’re trying to cut the text out of, highlight both, then select difference."

Original thread here.

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