After reading this, I remembered the drips of water hanging off the end of my torch tip while cutting. I had the water table roughly 3/8" or so below the 16GA stuff I was cutting.If you keep the water low enough so it does not splash mass quantities on the torch....then ohmic will work fine with a water table. If water gets on the surface of the material.....expect the ohmic sensor to sense the surface of the water, not the metal. If water gets back inside the torch.....often it will cause a false sense as well as it shorts from the shield to the nozzle internally.
The water in a water table becomes full of suspended solids of the metal you are cutting....which raises the conductivity of the water.
One way to make the ohmic function work better with high water levels is to activate the torch postflow before sensing the material. You can do that by modifying your machine code to do a quick (1/2second or less) pulse on the plasma on input....if quick enough the torch will not fire but the airflow will activate. This blows water out of the torch and keeps water away from the sensing area.
Jim Colt Hypertherm
How would I go about doing what Jim mentions above, with Mach3, Ethercut/DTHCIV, sheetcam, etc? Is there a rule I can create in Sheetcam that will insert the Gcode during the touch-off section of code? Or would I need to manually enter some code at each touch off point? This sounds like a great idea, based on the little I've seen using my table so far (water everywhere).